What Makes the Hero Node sale Different

The previous section talks about what Node Sales brought to the market, with regards to price and optimal reward discovery. But Node Sales, as traditionally done, have substantial drawbacks.

Most other node sales have gone for a maximum distribution, minimum decentralization approach. Wherein the objective is for the node sale to be used as a fundraising instrument; instead of a method of price discovery and infrastructure distribution.

The Hero Node distribution event takes a much more measured approach to node distribution with price discovery and decentralization as core pillars of the sale. In practice, this means Hero Nodes will only be distributed to select communities, making the APY of Hero Nodes extremely high in the beginning as the market works its way down to a reasonable number by buying nodes. This sort of reverse yield discovery mechanism has been successfully used to bootstrap liquidity and ‘fee pricing’ across numerous Web 3 products.

The Hero Node distribution will begin in Q4 2024 and run till mid-2025, at which point the nodes should have been distributed amongst a wide range of ecosystem participants. The reward payouts will still skew in favour of early participants; as the time they receive rewards for and the yield they receive is greater than later participants in the Node distribution.

Such a structure lets us avoid mispricing the nodes due to hype and lets the market take a more realistic approach to nodes and rewards.

Communities that are eligible for the Node Distribution will receive whitelist access to be able to purchase nodes. We encourage communities and projects with a focus on gaming, AI and potential partners of XR One to reach out to be a part of the Node Distribution.

Last updated