Foundation Grants

DRAFT - Working document: 12 May 2024


Objective: Support strategic initiatives, contributions, and partnerships that accelerate ecosystem growth, infrastructure development, and adoption of XR One games and its ecosystem.


  • ARB, USDC/T and ETH from the Foundation

  • $XR Tokens from The XR Treasury

Proposal Process:

  1. Inquiry: Potential grantees submit a brief summary of their project to the Foundation

  2. Invitation: The Foundation reviews inquiries and invites select applicants to submit a full proposal.

  3. Submission: Invited applicants submit detailed proposals, including but not limited to gameplay, team qualifications, milestones, and funding requested.

  4. Evaluation: The Foundation evaluates proposals based on their strategic fit, feasibility, cost/benefit, and potential to drive ecosystem growth. The Foundation may request additional information (which may include KYC/KYB information) or interviews with applicants. The Foundation may also require each grantee to execute an agreement outlining the goals and objectives of the grant to such grantee.

  5. Approval: For grants paid in $XR, the Foundation may engage a service provider or employee of the Foundation to approve and disburse funds. For grants paid in ARB, USDC/T or ETH, the Foundation follows its internal approval process and may engage a service provider or employee of the Foundation to disburse funds.

  6. Announcement: Approved grants are announced to the community on the Governance Forum.

Last updated